A new look to reinvigorate a student population.

The Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) is the student run association at the University of Waterloo. Previously known as the Federation of Students (Feds), they were looking to breathe new life into the identity to garner student population support and appear more inviting and exciting. WUSA’s primary goal is to inform and advocate for students and therefore needed an identity that they would notice and feel comfortable connecting with.

As such, a new name was chosen and a new identity was to be developed that was more engaging than the previous one. Ultimately the main goal of this brand refresh was to excite an apathetic student body population.

Art Director

Brand Identity


Project TYPE




To create an exciting identity catered to a young demographic, I looked at music festivals and concert designs for inspiration. This resulted in the use of bright colours and expressive typography to be at the heart of the brand. Additionally photography and language used had to to talk to the viewer, not down to them which was a problem with the previous identity.